#B-FS-10383 1/12 Hope, 2025 Hope Series Horse
Stock #B-FS-10383 - Breyer’s mission of Hope continues with Honor, their camouflaged-patterned American Saddlebred stallion. Equine-assisted therapy is a valuable tool in healing trauma and giving Veterans a chance to build a soulful, positive relationship. Through the power of the horse, they rebuild their trust and confidence in the world around them. "Healing begins with hope, and hope begins with you!" For each Hope model sold, Breyer will donate $1 to charities focused on bringing veterans and horses together, including Wounded Warriors equine therapy programs and BraveHearts Therapeutic Riding. The package features an outer sleeve that slides off to reveal the horse inside. Words "Hope 2025" printed on his belly. Freedom Series, made by Breyer, 9"L x 7½"H, for ages 4 & up.